Monday 9 September 2013

Randolph's Ferry - Turn 14

Rosecran's Battle Plan Update - My original battle plan needs to be amended slightly due to the fact that the enemy has constructed entrenchments stretching from the Ranes Farm to Black Elk Mountain. It is still my intention to make our main attack on Franklin via Black Elk Mountain but if an opportunity arises to breach the enemy line elsewhere we will seize upon it!

McCook - Deploy in brigade column on a two-division front and ASSAULT the enemy line at Mt. Zion Church. Move your third division up behind the main attack columns and ASSAULT.

Crittenden - Form a line between the Conrad House and Laurel Heights and HOLD. One division is to assist the cavalry in driving off Wheeler's troopers - ENGAGE.

Barnett (Artillery Reserve) - Follow Crittenden's first division and deploy on Laurel Heights. Support McCook in his assault on Mt. Zion Church.

HQ & Wagon Park - Will now be established south of Hendrick's Farm.